Pindah ke perusahaan baru adalah pengalaman menyenangkan juga dibarengi dengan rasa deg-degan khususnya apakah budaya perusahaan tersebut menyenangkan atau malah tidak menyenangkan atau toxic.
Seandainya anda sudah percaya diri dengan budaya perusahaan anda, anda bisa menggunakan beberapa cara berikut untuk menarik kandidat untuk tertarik bekerja di perusahaan anda.
“We are comfortable planting seeds and waiting for them to grow into trees” by Jeff Bezoz, Amazon Founder
Lingkungan kerja yang produktif itu sendiri memiliki tiga faktor yang menjadi sebuah prasyarat utama. Apa saja prasyarat tersebut?
Mengalami culture shock di perusahaan baru adalah hal yang wajar terjadi. Beradaptasi pun membutuhkan waktu. Yang terpenting, janganlah merasa takut atau berkecil hati.
Budaya perusahaan terbentuk dari value perusahaan, value pimpinan, interaksi antar tim dan interaksi antar individu.
Setiap perusahaan pada dasarnya memiliki identitas, ciri khas, ataupun kebiasaan yang melekat atau diturunkan dari pimpinan beserta anggota sebelumnya.
Tidak melulu mengenai budget dan biaya yang dibutuhkan karyawan pada saat pandemi, kadang-kadang yang diperlukan karyawan adalah perhatian tulus.
Tips kolaborasi antara pimpinan dan karyawan agar WFH lebih efektif, menyenangkan dan mampu meningkatkan produktivitas.
Mr. Fernandes didn't just build an airline; he built a thriving ecosystem where people are the cornerstone.
The key to building a strong and cohesive corporate culture lies in the meticulous application of the 5W 1H framework when you want to recruit someone: Why, Who, What, When, Where, and How.
It’s akin to wearing someone else’s tailored suit – it might cover the basics but lacks the perfect fit that speaks to individuality.
Since the pandemic began in March 2020, we've seen rapid changes in how workplaces operate and what employees expect.
Artikel ini menjelaskan keterkaitan lima aspek yang menjadi keahlian saya. Semoga dapat memberikan pencerahan.
Corporate culture is not just a buzzword; it is the lifeblood of your organization, dictating everything from employee motivation to business success.
Corporate culture isn't just important for big enterprises; small businesses should also prioritize it as part of their growth strategy.
The tech industry has always been known for innovation and growth, but these layoffs are a reminder that even the biggest and most successful companies are not immune to economic challenges.
Corporate training provider in Indonesia with customized context and content to achieve the expected outcome.
By getting a clear indication of the root cause of the problem, leaders can get a better alternative solution to solve any issues related to a dysfunctional team.
No business, no matter how big or small can succeed in the long run without motivated personnel who are more than willing to fight to accomplish business goals.
Have you ever watched one of Reza Rahadian's films "My Stupid Boss" a few years ago? He drove all his employees nuts because of his lunatic and selfish behaviors.
The newest buzzword in the workplace is quiet quitting. It refers to a revolt against the 'hustle culture' or hustling mentality of going above and beyond the call of duty.
Servant leadership is never about power, control, or job title; it is about service and caring for others.
Why do some business leaders find it difficult to develop empathetic skills?
A higher salary doesn't always attract top talents since highly qualified candidates who suit your business goals want a purpose, not just a paycheck.
The flaw in the recruitment process could ruin your corporate culture because you hire the wrong candidate who doesn't fit in with your corporate values.
The program have helped raise awareness among Margaria Group employees to collaborate between divisions and also transformed their company culture by engaging their employees in the company
We helped KMP create a new culture throughout the company, developed leadership capability, and improved internal communication between all employees.
This program improved the leadership capability of Zentax Consulting’s team members and also provide an understanding for them to become more effective in working as one team.
How this family business that has been running for more than 40 years as the GSA of Saudi Arabian Airlines in Indonesia was able to increase its employee engagement score by 100% in only 12 weeks?