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Conflict Management Dalam Pekerjaan

Terdapat 5 cara yang umum digunakan dalam conflict management untuk meresolusikan sebuah konflik berdasarkan pendekatan assertiveness dan cooperativeness

Self-Assessment untuk Menentukan Career Path

Self-assessment dapat membantu Anda dalam mengumpulkan informasi terkait diri sendiri yang akan memudahkan Anda dalam proses menentukan karir kedepannya.

Talent Acquisition Strategies: Build, Buy, or Borrow?

When Google faced rapid growth in the early 2000s, it encountered a significant challenge, "How to acquire the right talent to sustain our rapid innovation and expansion?"

The Pitfalls of Imitation in Employer Branding Strategy

It’s akin to wearing someone else’s tailored suit – it might cover the basics but lacks the perfect fit that speaks to individuality.

The Missing Links: Why Employer Branding Can Be Ineffective and Misleading for The Best Talent

Artikel ini menjelaskan keterkaitan lima aspek yang menjadi keahlian saya. Semoga dapat memberikan pencerahan.

The Talent Acquisition Process in Indonesia is Broken: How to Fix What Most Internal Recruiters and Headhunters Rarely Realize

Kritikan tajam terhadap praktek rekrutmen yang keliru di berbagai perusahaan, termasuk industri headhunter yang saya geluti.

Keeping Ego in Check: A Leader's Key to Creating a Positive Workplace

Kalau berani, coba kirimkan artikel ini ke si paling benar di kantor, dan lihat bagaimana reaksinya :D

10 Practical Tips to Attract and Hire STAR Talent

Pelajaran untuk para pemilik dan juga pemimpin bisnis dari workshop yang biaya investasinya Rp 15 juta untuk belajar satu hari penuh

Navigating the Modern Workplace: A Simple Guide for Business Leaders

Isu terkait sulitnya melakukan Employee Retention sebetulnya bermula dari satu hal yang lupa dibenahi di sebuah organisasi. Apa ya satu hal tersebut?

Master the Art of Leadership: How Self-Awareness and Leadership Style Flexibility Can Transform Your Team Performance

You have now been entrusted with the mantle of leadership at work, and now you're wondering, "What's next?" or "How can I be the best leader for my team?"

Applying "Bhinneka Tunggal Ika" for Strengthening Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Indonesian Workplaces

This article provides practical strategies that can be implemented to foster DEI in Indonesian workplaces.

Massive Tech Layoffs: A True Test of Corporate Culture in Tough Times

The tech industry has always been known for innovation and growth, but these layoffs are a reminder that even the biggest and most successful companies are not immune to economic challenges.

Employer Branding: The Key to Attracting Top Talent

A strong employer brand can help attract candidates, retain current employees, and boost the overall brand reputation.

Why The Dunning-Kruger Effect Could Jeopardize Your Corporate Culture

Have you ever watched one of Reza Rahadian's films "My Stupid Boss" a few years ago? He drove all his employees nuts because of his lunatic and selfish behaviors.

Want to Become a More Empathetic Leader? Start by Doing These 4 Things Consciously!

Servant leadership is never about power, control, or job title; it is about service and caring for others.

5 Reasons Business Leaders Found It Difficult to Develop Their Empathetic Skills

Why do some business leaders find it difficult to develop empathetic skills?